Antioxidants in green tea- the age-old to modern health issues.
Antioxidants in green tea- the age-old to modern health issues.
Green tea has been consumed for eons in Asian countries. It is not a new beverage in the market. But its increasingly studied benefits are! All thanks to the antioxidants in green tea. Read on to find out how they play a crucial role in preventing life-threatening diseases and have magical effects on your skin!
Tea has always been an essential part of our routine. Whether green or black tea is loved in every part of India. Green tea especially has gained a lot of popularity in the past decade. They say no matter what is happening in your life; you always offer tea. And rightfully so!
The benefits of a beverage as simple as green tea are numerous. Want to know who the star player here is? Antioxidants! Green tea has 10 times more antioxidants compared to fruits and veggies. This aspect of green tea comes from its polyphenol content- a type of antioxidant, polyphenol being one of them.
All teas from the camellia Sinensis tea plant are rich in polyphenols. Green tea, black tea, oolong tea- they all come from this tea plant. Their leaves simply undergo different methods of processing.
The levels of fermentation vary for each of these types. Green tea is made from unfermented leaves; the leaves are partially fermented for the oolong tea, and they are completely fermented to make black tea. Since green tea is made from unfermented leaves, it has the highest concentration of polyphenols.
The higher the polyphenol levels, the higher the level of antioxidants in green tea.
These polyphenols have the potential to prevent cell damage and therefore nip cancer at the bud. They can neutralize free radicals, thereby reducing or even avoiding part of the harm they cause. Among the several benefits reported, green tea has anti-inflammatory effects, alleviating cardiovascular disease, and reducing stubborn acne.
All these claims are convincing enough to swap out one of those several cups of coffee for a cup of green tea.
There are some benefits of green tea in particular that you should know of.
➟ Cardiovascular diseases and antioxidants
Reducing the risk of cardiovascular diseases is as simple as drinking sipping green tea. A study of 40,530 Japanese adults found that participants who drank more than five cups of green tea a day had a 26% lower risk of death from a heart attack or stroke and a 16% lower risk of death from all causes than people who drank less than one cup of green tea a day (Green tea may lower heart disease risk - Harvard Health, 2012).
In research at Yale University School of Medicine, researchers pointed out the "Asian paradox." Despite high rates of cigarette smoking, Asia has lower incidences of heart disease and cancer.
They reasoned that green tea, which many Asians take every day, has significant quantities of polyphenols and other antioxidants. These may benefit cardiovascular health in a variety of ways, including preventing blood platelets from coagulating and lowering cholesterol levels.
So far, it is safe to say that green tea has saved quite a number of lives!
➟ Your skin's best friend
Green tea and skin health seem to go hand in hand. The beauty industry has made us well aware of how good antioxidants are for our skin. They counteract the effects of oxidant radicals. Free radicals, also known as oxidant radicals, are byproducts of the body that can harm cells and tissues.
Antioxidants bind to free radicals and deactivate them before they can do any damage. Its anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties help treat acne and oily skin. When taken as a supplement, green tea has shown to be very effective for the skin.
➟ Antioxidants for rheumatoid arthritis
This debilitating autoimmune disease is characterized by chronic inflammation of the synovial tissue leading to cartilage and bone damage. The most common way to manage rheumatoid arthritis is Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs or NSAIDs.
But they are not precisely a "solution" to the disease.
Moreover, prolonged use of these drugs can cause many side effects. It doesn't come as a surprise that more natural remedies are being sought. Green tea is seen as a solution to deal with arthritic inflammation. Its concentration of antioxidants reduces inflammation and the severity of the painful disease.
Of all the benefits of green tea, several are solely because of antioxidants. This age-old beverage is now widely consumed in several forms. Apart from tea leaves, green tea also comes in the form of an effervescent tablet. Many, however, don't find it palatable. But not to worry, for them, green tea comes in flavors! So what are you waiting for? It's time to get sippin'. The benefits await!
➟ Sources
Antioxidants in green tea may prevent and reduce the severity of rheumatoid arthritis. ( cancer#:~:text=In%20studies%2C%20tea%20drinking%20has,free%20radicals%20in%20the%20bloodstream. - tea and heart disease,LDL)%20cholesterol%20of%2016%25. - tea and cholestrol - heart disease and cancer - green tea and skin